Monday, November 30, 2020

Lk 10:21-24 Blest

Jesus' approached his Father with a longing love; full of eagerness and yearning. This results in joy and thanksgiving.

3 Lessons from the Gospel: 3 P's
1. Praise: Jesus explodes in a prayer of praise. This beautiful prayer discloses Jesus' treasured relationship with his Father through the Holy Spirit. His praise comes from the successful mission of the disciples he sent to preach. Praise should also characterize our life.

2. Privilege: Jesus also reveals their great privilege. How blest they are to have accepted the invitation to be his disciples; to see what they see and listen to what they hear. The privilege to be by Jesus' side. Do we also count ourselves blest and privileged?

3. Progress: Jesus prays for them to progress in their love and longing for the Father. That they bear fruit in joy and hope. We are also challenged to have eyes to see; ears to listen; heart to love; hands to serve. We don't get tired of doing Jesus' mission of love.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Mk 13:33-37 Be Watchful - 1st Sunday of Advent

Advent is a new season; a new beginning. Its four Sundays prepare us for Christmas. But on a long-term way, it prepares us for Christ's 2nd Coming soon.

3 Goals of Advent: 3 E's
1. Examine Ourselves:
Its a time for a deeper self-introspection and self-examination. Its something we fear because truth hurts. But we need to judge ourselves honestly without self denial or deception in order to chart a new path and a new direction for our life. Its a way to a new start. In God's hands we are still a work in progress. He is the potter; we are the clay.

2. Expect Jesus:
We are to expect him with excitement. Its like waiting for the Master's return from abroad and find us awake; not asleep. We need to watch our words, actions, thoughts, character and our heart. Our advent prayer is: Maranatha - Come Lord, Jesus.

3. Enkindle our Hope:
We live in a world with depressing realities. At times it stifles our hope; it crushes our spirit. Advent challenges us to re-light our candle of hope. We keep our hope burning & bright. God alone instills hope in us amidst a dark and cruel world.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Lk 21:34-36 Be Vigilant

Today is the last day of the Liturgical Year. Like every ending, it is also a new beginning. We actually commence tonight the Advent Season. Jesus cautions us to watch and pray lest we are crushed and crippled by our doubts, despair and fears.

3 Lessons from our Gospel: 3 A's

1. Alert:
Jesus warns us to be attentive, watchful and vigilant. Keep watch over our heart lest we are carried away by excess in eating or drinking; we have an overload of work, greed, pleasure or laziness. We lose our goal and direction in life. Overindulgence kills our spirit.

2. Answerable:
Let's not forget we will be held responsible for our words and actions whether deliberate or unintentional. We shall be held accountable with what we have been given: time, talent and treasure. We are judged for our choices.

3. Ask for God's help:
Jesus tells us to pray. Pray always. Seek God's guidance and light always. Pray that we can navigate our life successfully to reach our home in heaven. Pray that we may persevere; never losing steam.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Lk 21:29-33 Sign of the Times

Jesus continues to prepare us for the end. After describing the fall of Jerusalem, the destruction of the Temple and other cosmic signs, he advises his disciples to learn from the fig tree. He invites us to learn from nature and its cycle. These are ordinary signs of the times.

3 Considerations from the Sign of the Times: 3 I's
1. Intelligence to Understand: its a gift from the Holy Spirit. We ask for the gift of discernment: ability to judge well. Changes happen constantly in our life. These are clues God gives us to do his will.

2. Interpret with Faith: Jesus reminds us that whatever happens to us, just like the cycle of life and death in nature, he has a purpose. God is present in our sad stories and joyful mysteries. We cling to him even in uncertain times.

3. Improve Ourselves: in the ups and downs of life, God is faithful. His promises stay. This challenges us to begin again. There is always room for improvement. There is always a chance to bear fruit. Change is inevitable but always possible. 👍❤️

Lk 21:20-28 Preparing for the Future

Our gospel describes graphically the destruction of Jerusalem and visualizes the Second Coming of Jesus as king with much power and glory. For the Jews, the eternal city's ruin was unthinkable. It brought a crisis of faith. The painful lesson is: nothing last forever.

3 Lessons for the Future: 3 H's
1. Hide: we can't hide from God. Beginning from the Garden of Eden until now, man has been in perpetual hiding. Having done wrong, we feel shame and guilt. We can't own our sins. But in the end, we shall stand alone before God because we have no where to run.

2. Homage: when Christ the King comes we will all bow down in worship. We shall all submit to him. If today you don't respect him, don't recognize him or reject him; the obvious truth will shine. Because he will be Judge; he will be Master of all.

3. Hope: this passage inspires us to hope. This is still a distant future. Here is a warning & a clue. He is preparing us for the future. We are invited to be good and faithful steward. 👍😁❤️

Lk 21:5-11 Reality of the End

Jesus observed people admiring the Temple's beauty. But what Jesus predicted shocked them. He told them, one day the Temple will be destroyed. In fact, all things will pass away. Thus we need to develop the habit: to begin with the end in mind.
What can we learn from the E.N.D.
E: Essential-when we think of the end, we go back to the basics, to the essentials. We will regret we haved worked too much. All that is left in the end are relationships.

N: Numbered-our days are counted. You need to make every moment matter. While we have time we should love more & love deeply.

D: Departure-as the end nears, we are like in an airport waiting for your flight. There is need to say goodbye & make a glorious closure. Its also important to end well & die well. Find peace; enjoy every moment. Enjoy the ride. ❤️

Lourdes Shrine Fiesta - February 11

Lourdes Shrine Fiesta - February 11
Archdiocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish

Installation as Parish Priest

Installation as Parish Priest
The Parish Priest with USC Elem Batchmates

After the Installation Rites

After the Installation Rites
Archbishop Jose Palma with Fr. Provincial, Family and Parishioners

Lourdes Parish Salesian Community 2016

Lourdes Parish Salesian Community 2016
L-R: Fr. Gino, Fr. Denden, Fr. Randy, Fr. Cesar and Fr. George