In today's gospel Jesus says: Come to me, especially if you are weary or carry a heavy burden - I will give you rest. My yoke is easy; my burden is light.
Observations, musings, and reflections about everyday realities to spark a divine encounter..
Wednesday, December 09, 2020
Mt 11:28-30 Come to Me
Friday, December 04, 2020
Mt 9:35-10:1-8 God of Compassion
Jesus went around to all towns and villages bringing God's love and compassion. His presence brought comfort, joy and healing.
Thursday, December 03, 2020
Mt 7:21-27 Criteria for Heaven
In one of Jesus' parables in Mt 25, he speaks about himself returning as future king. He will separate everyone like a shepherd: lambs on his right and goats on his left. The criteria will be based on how much one has loved. For this reason not all who call on him as Lord will enter heaven. Only the doers of his will.
Tuesday, December 01, 2020
Mt 15:29-37 Following Jesus
Today's gospel gives us a visual image of Jesus. He is a great crowd drawer. Matthew tells us he walked by the Sea of Galilee to visit the marginalized and inspects their plight. Then he goes to the mountain to grasp the wider meaning of people's circumstances and show them a greater vision.
Monday, November 30, 2020
Lk 10:21-24 Blest
Jesus' approached his Father with a longing love; full of eagerness and yearning. This results in joy and thanksgiving.
Saturday, November 28, 2020
Mk 13:33-37 Be Watchful - 1st Sunday of Advent
Advent is a new season; a new beginning. Its four Sundays prepare us for Christmas. But on a long-term way, it prepares us for Christ's 2nd Coming soon.
Friday, November 27, 2020
Lk 21:34-36 Be Vigilant
Today is the last day of the Liturgical Year. Like every ending, it is also a new beginning. We actually commence tonight the Advent Season. Jesus cautions us to watch and pray lest we are crushed and crippled by our doubts, despair and fears.
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Lk 21:29-33 Sign of the Times
Jesus continues to prepare us for the end. After describing the fall of Jerusalem, the destruction of the Temple and other cosmic signs, he advises his disciples to learn from the fig tree. He invites us to learn from nature and its cycle. These are ordinary signs of the times.
Lk 21:20-28 Preparing for the Future
Our gospel describes graphically the destruction of Jerusalem and visualizes the Second Coming of Jesus as king with much power and glory. For the Jews, the eternal city's ruin was unthinkable. It brought a crisis of faith. The painful lesson is: nothing last forever.
Lk 21:5-11 Reality of the End
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Mission Accomplished - Ascension Sunday
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Forgiveness and Change
Monday, March 30, 2020
Jesus is Life - 5th Sunday of Lent
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Faith and Covid19
Instead of giving in to fear, we flex a greater faith. As believers, let us find the hidden grace from this situation. What is God telling us through these events? Convinced that He is in control, then these might be the best way of purifying us and reminding us of something we have missed or something we have lost. Our time calls for a greater hope. Here are four lessons from H.O.P.E.
H. Health. God is reminding us that Health is wealth. Since we are fragile and finite, we need to take preventive measures. We need to keep a healthy lifestyle and habitually wash our hands. Staying at home is the best prevention; perhaps it’s our means of survival. Keep social distance and avoid contact to contain its transmission.
O. Optimism. Let's keep our Optimism high. In times like this we can choose to look down and see dirt; or look up and see the stars. We can choose to be bored in our home quarantine or use it as significant family moment. Let us choose to see the opportunities rather than the adversities. This scourge is not God's punishment but a process for our betterment.
P. Pray. This virus is reminding us that there are mysteries beyond our understanding. Thus we need to trust a higher power who is in control of our lives and our destiny. The more we pray, the less we panic or worry because we expose ourselves in God's presence & his grandeur. Let us be inspired and keep praying for our warriors at the frontline of this battle.
E. End. Hope invites us to admit that everything ends. Nothing is ever permanent whether its fashion or pestilence. As the book of Ecclesiastes says there is time to kill and a time to heal. It’s part of the vanity of life. And in the greater scheme of things, let us simply trust that even this virus will pass so we can return to our normal lives.