a visit to the Beethoven Museum in Bonn, a young American student became
fascinated by the piano on which Beethoven had composed some of his greatest
works. She asked the museum guard if she could play a few bars on it; she
accompanied the request with a lavish tip, and the guard agreed. The girl,
then, tinkled out the opening of the Moolight Sonata. As she was leaving, she
asked the guard, “I suppose all the great pianist who come here want to play on
the piano.” The guard shook his head. “Padarewski, the famed Polish pianist,
was here a few years ago and he said he wasn’t worthy to touch it.” Humility is
the characteristic of great men. Someone said, “be humble or you’ll stumble.”
today’s gospel, one of the lessons Jesus points out through his parable is on
the necessity of humility. When invited on a wedding banquet, Jesus proposes,
it would be advisable not to occupy the places of honor at the table; it may be
reserved for a more distinguished guest. If, on the other hand, the host will
invite a guest who was seated at the lowest place to come up higher, his
humility has gained him honor and esteem from among his peers. “For everyone
who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be
it pays to be humble. Even when one embarks on a career in life, humility is
helpful. Embracing humility helps ensure that people are inclined to build you
up when you fail, not rave on your misfortune. By practicing humility one
begins to earn the trust of people; one gains friends. People will perceive you
as a person with depth because you are giving added value to the world and to
the lives of others. Finally, the practice of humility will make you more
grateful and appreciative. Indeed, with humility, you’re on the right track;
you’ll never stumble.
Lord, teach true humility that I may not be proud and never swerve from your path. Amen.