Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Scripture Struck @ Mt 20:17-28

Counting the Cost

Jesus and his disciples were journeying from Galilee to Judea. They traveled on foot. The walk was not pleasant and comfortable. The most difficult part is the last lap to reach Jerusalem.

From here on, the journey will be continuously uphill. They will be climbing slowly to arrive towards Zion. This will also be Jesus' worst human experience soon. He will be condemned to carry a heavy cross to Calvary.

This journey is a metaphor of our Christian life. Following Jesus has a cost. It is a call to a deeper sharing in his life. It is a challenge to embrace our cross in daily life.

Today the tendency is to avoid sufferings at any cost. If we can skip pain, the better. But in the process we end up soft and selfish. It is pain that measures the depth of our love because there is no love without enduring. The cost of unconditional love is sacrifice. 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Scripture Struck @ Gen. 15:5-18

God Experience

Abraham was a pagan. He used to have many gods until one day God Most High, the creator of heaven and earth, talked to him. From here on he started the tradition of a monotheistic faith.

It was not illusion. God was not only a talking Being. He was also powerful and mighty. No one else is like Him! He was a God who disclosed Himself and His ways to Abraham.

In one low moment of Abraham, God consoled him. When he felt discourage that he could never have a child, God promised him an heir. "Fear not, I am your shield. Your descendants will be as numerous as the stars in the sky."

When things look bad and confusing, think back of Abraham. Think of God's promises to him. Recall his words: I will be with you. They are not mere promises. In Jesus, we have God's promises fulfilled. Jesus is the closest we can ever be with God Almighty! 

Friday, February 19, 2016

Scripture Struck @ Mt 5:43-48

Love your Enemies

Jesus was a Jew. Neighbor for them signify their countryman or those who share their faith. The view is restrictive; even elitist. Yet Jesus goes beyond. For him, a neighbor means anyone who needs your love and goodness.

His call to love our enemies is a radical one. It is a foundational Christian thought. If applied in concrete living, it has far-reaching consequences. But if it remains only as a concept, the world stays the same: indifferent and cold.

There is great power in love. Loving only those who love us has already an overwhelming effect. Loving even our enemies can be transformative. It adds greater nobility to our human life.

Today there is so much intolerance, bitterness and hatred among ourselves. This hinders us in living harmonious and peaceful lives. It creates division and conflict that add unnecessary stress. But it is love that raises us from our pettiness. It is love that makes us children of God.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Scripture Struck @ Isaiah 58:1-9

Essence of Fasting

One of the disciplines of Lent is fasting. This practice goes back to the people of Israel. Moses required fasting only on the Day of Atonement. When they were in Exile from their homeland, they fasted also out of grief.

Following the destruction of Jerusalem, every Israelite fasted in the 5th and 7th month annually for 70 years. They mourned for their loss; they lost their homeland and their temple.

But as years dragged on, their fasting became empty. They became more concerned of the ritual observance of the law neglecting ethical demands like sharing bread to the hungry, rescuing the oppressed or defending orphans.

Today fasting can also be empty if done for mere health reasons. The essence of fasting is to seek a deeper relationship with God. Its aim is personal conversion and soul cleansing. It can create a new awareness that more than food, our need for God is greater! 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Scripture Struck @ Deut. 30:15-20

Choose Life

The book of Deuteronomy gives us a different side of Moses. He was the leader of the Israelites from Egypt to their desert wanderings. While Exodus showed us his quick temper, forty years in the wilderness softened him. Here we see his humility and kindness.

Now Moses is old. After years of witnessing God's closeness and unbounded care, he reminds them that they were about to enter the Promised Land. There is sadness in his voice knowing he would not join them there.

Like a parent, he makes a plea to stay loyal to the Lord. The land they will enter is full of enticements: seduction of other cultures, exotic religions, glittering wealth. But to practice their faith means choosing life and living in prosperity.

Today God continues to remind us to stay loyal to our faith. The world seduces us with so many "idols" that mesmerize our eyes and our heart. Yet let us be brave by following the way that leads to Life! 

Monday, February 08, 2016

Scripture Struck @ 1 Kings 8:22-30

Solomon's Temple

David was once inspired to build a House for the Lord. He saw how comfortable he was in his residence while God's Ark was simply in a tent.

The Ark of the Covenant was a tangible symbol of God's abiding presence. It was a golden box that contained the 10 Commandment Tablets given by God to Moses. With its handle, the priests were charged of carrying it allowing God to journey with the Israelite Community in their wanderings.

Yet it was Solomon's task to construct the Temple because David's hands were too violent from the wars he waged. After careful planning and years of building, now he comes to consecrate the new Temple for God's purpose. Its beauty and majesty made it one of the wonders in the ancient world.

Today, God's Temple is the Church. Here God is honored and loved. It houses the tabernacle of Jesus' Eucharistic presence. More than a structure, God's Temple is the heart of every baptized man and woman. In every believing heart God is felt and worshiped in spirit and in truth.

Saturday, February 06, 2016

Scripture Struck @ Isaiah 6:1-8

Send Me

God chose Isaiah to be His prophet. A prophet is one who speaks for God. His words are God's words. He becomes God's mouthpiece; His representative.

When God appeared, he saw Him seated on a high throne. He was in full control. Everything about Him was glorious and majestic. Isaiah experienced the immensity of God.

In contrast, he saw himself so small and frail. Compared to God's grandeur and glory, he was mere dust and dirt. He needed cleansing to stand before God. Yet when God was looking for a messenger, he was empowered to say: Here I am. Send me!

Today, we see ourselves big and tall. We fail to see God's grandeur on his throne. We think we are in control. It is grace that allows us to see our real worth. Though small, we are loved. His love makes us dare to say: Send me Lord!

Friday, February 05, 2016

Scripture Struck @ 1Kings 3:4-13

Understanding Heart

David was succeeded by his son Solomon as king. His were shoes too big to fill. The new king was young and inexperienced. With kingship comes great responsibility.

In his great need Solomon sought the Lord. He prayed to the God of his ancestors. To Him he asked for wisdom. In his humility he beg the Lord to grant him an understanding heart.

This greatly pleased God. In answer to his prayer Solomon was granted an extraordinary gift to discern right from wrong.

Today we need to be wise: to always have the sense of wonder; gain insights and new paradigm; be sensitive to the needs of people and trends in society; capacity to easily understand and grasp every situation. Lord, grant us wisdom! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Scripture Struck @ 1Kings 2:1-12

David's Legacy

The colorful days of King David finally came to an end. It was a glorious conclusion of a great life. He served the Lord well.

David had a bigger-than-life personality. He was a supremely gifted individual. But his greatness did not come from his talents. His greatness came from the goodness of his heart and his faithfulness to the Lord until the end.

He left two beautiful legacies to his son: his faith and his good name. He handed down to Solomon his unshakable faith. His good name became the basis of his uninterrupted dynasty.

Our lifetime is short. The memory we leave behind depends on the contribution the we give. The legacy of faith and goodness are, most often, those that remain. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Lourdes Shrine Fiesta - February 11

Lourdes Shrine Fiesta - February 11
Archdiocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish

Installation as Parish Priest

Installation as Parish Priest
The Parish Priest with USC Elem Batchmates

After the Installation Rites

After the Installation Rites
Archbishop Jose Palma with Fr. Provincial, Family and Parishioners

Lourdes Parish Salesian Community 2016

Lourdes Parish Salesian Community 2016
L-R: Fr. Gino, Fr. Denden, Fr. Randy, Fr. Cesar and Fr. George