Once I was talking to one of the Altar Servers of a
certain parish. In the course of our conversation he shared candidly, with a
tinge of humor, his experience in serving. There are actually many functions
one can do in serving at the Eucharist. One may assist the priest at the altar,
another can be a candle bearer, or a thurifer who carries the metal censer with
burning charcoal for the incense. But the task he likes best is to be the
During Mass, the crossbearer
is the person appointed to carry the processional cross and stands at the head
of the pack at the beginning or end of the service. When I asked him why, he
explained that when he carries the cross everybody looks at him. People bow to
him and he feels so popular! I realize we can do certain things for God with
suspect motives. Carrying a “real” cross will not always be that popular and
The Gospel few days back (Lk
9:7-9) spoke of Herod the Tetrarch who wanted to see Jesus out of curiosity. He
must have been intrigued by the fame and popularity of Jesus. Surely, he heard
about his miracles and was amazed by the authority of his teachings. But he was
seeking for Jesus for wrong reasons. Aside from mere curiosity, people can come
to God for other wrong reasons. Some because it’s the fad or fashion; like
wearing a cross as a jewelry. Others because they feel popular as having a
“selfie” with a celebrity. Some come to God to get a favor or a grace. And still
others because it is fun and “cool.” But following Jesus goes beyond the crowd.
In reality, we have always
the tendency to do things for wrong reasons. We can serve for ulterior motives. It’s the impression people
have toward our public servants in government. The cycle continues and the
cynicism for a better country deteriorates. We can also love and get married
for wrong reasons; then regret that one has followed his heart and one’s
impulses too soon. We can work for wrong reasons such that at the end of the
day, one feels empty for having slaved himself for the paycheck. We can even
pray and worship not really for God’s sake but to please other people.
great challenge is to seek Jesus with faith and consciously do things out of
love for God. More than expecting what we can get, Jesus will ask us what we can
give. He will demand what we can surrender or what we can offer to Him. More
than our time, the greatest offering we can do is to give our life to Him! More
than our talent, the most significant things we can offer is our
self-surrender; handing over our life to Jesus. To live for God and honor Him
is a personal project worth our entire commitment.
example of martyrs like St. Lorenzo Ruiz and his companions are a beautiful
reminder. He followed Jesus despite the inconvenience of being a “cross bearer.”
Lorenzo joined the Japanese mission for wrong reasons. It was to escape from
false accusation that he accompanied the Dominican priests. But the grace of
God touched him. When the trying moment came, his reasons were purified. He
became more than willing to suffer the torture. He was able to show that his
love for Jesus was greater than his chance for survival. He offered his life
and love for Jesus! However, few are really called to die for God. Majority of
us are simply called to live for God in our daily lives in patience and
extraordinary love.
The Gospel today (Lk
16:19-31) describes two different characters, the unknown rich man and the poor
Lazarus. Jesus’ parable warns us that a life of self-service will have its due
consequences. Love binds us to be concerned and sensitive to the plight of our
needy brothers and sisters. We are to discover God in them. Here is a thought from
Pope Francis. Last August, the first-ever “Papal Selfie” appeared and went
viral on social media. It was uploaded by one of the youngsters from the
Diocese of Piacenza who met with the Pope. He told them: “You are bearers of
hope. You, in fact, live in the present, but are looking at the future. You are
the protagonists of the future, artisans of the future. Make the future with
beauty, with goodness and truth. Have courage. Go forward. Make noise."
(This article also appears in
the Faith Section of Cebu Daily News – September 29, 2013)