Saturday, November 22, 2008

Let Jesus Rule!

We celebrate the solemnity of Christ the King. It is the last Sunday of Ordinary Time and ushers us into the Advent Season. We recall the mystery of our faith that Christ will come again. This second coming will be a glorious one unlike the first when Jesus came like an ordinary human. And as judge he will ask an accounting of what we did with our lives. The king will judge us in the capacity of our love.

This brings us to the reality that Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega of our life. He is the beginning and the end; our origin and also our destiny. Come to think of it, through him we live, we move and have our being. When my relative, Fr. Jose Mansueto died, i saw these words placed on the hood of his coffin. Perhaps it was his prayer and commitment: Jesus, I live for you. Jesus, I die for you. Jesus, I am yours in life and in death.

If Jesus is truly the King, then let him rule in our lives. When we pray "thy kingdom come," we are actually praying: Jesus come and rule us. Be our king!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Saturation Point

When I was informed that Gerry Guiseppe Gatungay was dead, I was shocked! I had to hear it again from the bearer and confirm its veracity. Yes, dead! As in gone.. lost.. no more.. lifeless.. passed away.. extinct.. departed.. launched into eternity. I had difficulty in digesting the news. It was so sudden and surprising. The last time I saw him was about six months ago. We had a little chat at the corridor during the first semester enrolment. I could still see the guy in my mind’s eye – medium built and his eyes would sparkle when he smiled. Did he have a dimple in his cheek? I forgot. But I have no way to know now. He’s dead and he’s only 19. That’s a young age to die! I would think it normal if he were 60 or 70. But to die at 19 --- that’s ridiculous!

More pathetic was the way he died. He was on his way home past midnight when a group of intoxicated young men looking for some adventure gang up on him. His only mistake was being in the wrong place and in a wrong time. He met them as they were going the opposite direction on Ganciang Street. For no apparent reason, they stabbed him to death just for the “trip” of it. Gerry died like a helpless animal pursued by cruel hunters screaming for his life. His desperate cry was not strong enough to pierce the hardened hearts of his attackers. Even his agonizing plea for survival did not inflict any small amount of pity in their callous consciences. Gerry was a victim of these young people’s strong propensity for violence. What a waste of life. What a senseless death!

Last August, a dispatcher was shot dead in Punta Princesa at the corner of Sabellano Street and F. Llamas Street. Many call him by the name Toto or Val but his real name was Nino Michael. Since he was not known or famous who cares if he lives or dies? But he was my friend. In his younger days, he used to frequent the Youth Center at Lourdes Parish and played basketball. He was a good player; a dependable ball handler and play maker. He also used to play as a varsity when he was in high school, I was told. But then he dropped out of college because of vices. Finally he landed on the streets. As a dispatcher many drivers disliked him because he was extorting too much from them. And on a fateful Sunday afternoon a young guy out of vengeance shot him on the head. His life ended tragically on the street where he wanted to be. Some young people, it would seem, have nothing worthwhile to live for. Can we blame them for it if that is what they see from their elders' examples?

We hear and read other sensational stories of young people’s death in the news. Who could forget the gruesome murder of the chop-chop victims Eva Mae Peligro and her cousin Gwendolyn Balasta in Talisay City? Their deaths has been, for some time, the talk of the town for being so hideous and frightening like those we only see in crime movies. The death of nursing graduate Rachelle Mae Palang would also leave a deep sense of regret and dismay. She was accused of being an NPA and was killed during an encounter with the military in Negros Oriental.

The stories of these kind will continue. Their death is a stark reminder that life is precarious. At the same time it makes us realize how human life has become so cheap! Life is no longer precious. It is given small importance and little value. The late John Paul II was right when he pointed out that we live in a world that promotes the “culture of death.” We need to make our family, our homes and our surrounding more life-giving. I guess we have to start with our own attitude that encourages compassion, kindness and goodness.

We are witnessing history in the making in America in their change of leadership by voting into office a new African-American president. Barack Obama has motivated his countrymen to believe in him and believe in their power to change themselves and change the world. I admire America in their sensitivity to issues pertaining the good of their country. For all our colonial mentality, this is something we have not acquired. Our threshold of pain is so high that we can simply suffer in silence and wait for saturation point. It is only when we can’t bear it anymore that we finally muster the courage to say enough is enough; ‘tama na, sobra na!” When will we ever learn that the time to change is now. Tomorrow another Gerry Gatungay will die for our lack of will to make change happen today.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Sweetness of Death

Our life is a mixture of laughters and tears, joys and sorrows, life and death. Though others may consider death as a bitter and pain reality, this should not be so. Death can be sweet if seen with faith coupled by foresight.

Foresight is a virtue -- for life is passing and we can die anytime. Young people think death is a remote thing especially if they feel strong and healthy oozing with uncontrollable hormones. But who could have thought that my student Gerry Gatungay, only 19 years old would have met his death in a violent way. He was on his way home at past midnight when he met along the street 5 young people looking for a riot. They attacked him without warning and stabbed him to death senselessly.

Such is death. It comes when it comes without warning. There is great wisdom in preparing for it as Don Bosco would constantly remind his boys.

We laid to rest Fr. Ed Espiritu last 30 October. His dying was characterized by preparation and foresight. He left nothing to chance. Death can be sweet if we see beyond the pain and see God's loving smile as he says: welcome home!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Be Saints

Every 1st of November all roads lead to the cemetery. People light candles and pray for the dead. Yet in the Church's liturgy its the solemnity of all saints! Today we celebrate the saints with the small 's.' The 'small time' saints, the unknown and uncanonized ones. Yet saints nonetheless because they have reached heaven. After all that is what matters. We are to reach heaven; while some get there in big steps, others in small ones.

Today we are reminded that heaven is our final destiny. But before we become saints we must first die and bid goodbye to this world. Its something most people fear. Death is the final act of detachment which needs a tremendous amount of faith. Don Bosco's last words as he lay dying on his bed were: 'tell my boys that I'm waiting for them in paradise.'

Pope John Paul II raised so many saints in his long pontificate. When asked why, he explained that 'holiness should be the ordinary ambition of a Christian.' A Christian cannot but be holy! Every Christian is simply called to be Christ-like in his or her thoughts, words and actions. God says: 'be holy, for I the Lord your God, am holy!'

The world is in need of new saints: committed, courageous and compelling. Can you be one of them?

Lourdes Shrine Fiesta - February 11

Lourdes Shrine Fiesta - February 11
Archdiocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish

Installation as Parish Priest

Installation as Parish Priest
The Parish Priest with USC Elem Batchmates

After the Installation Rites

After the Installation Rites
Archbishop Jose Palma with Fr. Provincial, Family and Parishioners

Lourdes Parish Salesian Community 2016

Lourdes Parish Salesian Community 2016
L-R: Fr. Gino, Fr. Denden, Fr. Randy, Fr. Cesar and Fr. George